Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Buddy Blogs

Just wanted to share a trip that Keith went on for Roosters. Here is the story below:

Just got back from the eastcape Baja. Stayed at the Punta Colrada for 4 full days. The fishing was good. Hardwork but good. I will give you a full report later but for now, here are the videos I was able to record with my Dean Inspired GoPro camera. I think I made the background music a bit loud so you can't hear the reel scream. I just wanted to make the music louder to drown out my stupid voiceovers. The desert heat was making me say dumb comments while fighting the fish. If the links don't work, just do a search on fishingolf. Dean, thanks for the flies but I was only able to experiment with 3 of your flies. I started out with the deceivers I tied and it was working so I didn't change flies much but I'll elaborate later. I have to go to bed so I'll talk to you later.

Total fish count: 12 rooster fish (3 at 7 lbs and 1 @ 10 lbs) The video is the one at 7lbs. 1 was caught sightcasting 2 legimate sightcast shots at 30lb'er. Had the follow but it didn't bite. 6 ladyfish, 2 Jack Crevalle (1 at 10lbs sightcasted), 2 green jacks, 1 african pompano, 1 needlefish, bunch of halibuts, and 1 croaker
